Home Front Communications is a public relations company that is best known for their work in advertising, creative media, and digital content. As of April, 2017, Home Front Communications announced that a merger has officially began taking place between them and Elmendorf. Elmendorf specializes in public relations in the political field, having established themselves as one of the nation's top governmental relations firms over the past decade. According to the leaders of the two merging companies, combining their assets, experience, and connections will will make them an absolute powerhouse in public affairs. Operating as a newly merged company, which has been given the name "Subject Matter", the primary goal of the firm will be to serve their clients public policy objectives and other needs with a combination of using their deep legislative ties and expertise blended with a technologically advanced digital strategy. This will allow them to find solutions for their clients from a much more powerful position than either company was capable of doing prior to the merger.
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