The Hotwire PR tech firm is focused on assisting brands in tightening the effectiveness of they're reputation management techniques. In addition to helping a brand exemplify its most unique propositions in a more appealing manner, the firm also works to help implement emerging digital trends into the branding behavior of its clients. The firm opened in the year 2000, and since its inception, it was recognized as having one of the most rapid growth rates out of all communication agencies around the globe. To date, the brand has opened three different offices stationed around the world and has plans to continue expanding its operations. There are six areas of services that the firm targets: engaging influencer relations, clear corporate communications, digital audience engagement, cross-content connections, smart insight development, and brand transformation. For its public relations service, the firm received the Best Tech PR Agency award, the Outstanding Large PR Consultancy award, the Best Insights Product award, and the Best Use of Evaluation award.
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