Hill + Knowlton Strategies is a public relations agency for companies in the finance industry. Hill + Knowlton Strategies has been in business for nearly one-hundred years, making them one of the oldest public relations firms in the United States. They currently are working with more than fifty percent of the world's Fortune Global 500 companies. While they have their headquarters in New York, Hill + Knowlton have a total of 85 offices in 47 different countries. This includes many countries in places like South America, Austrailia, the Middle East, Asia, Africa, and all over Europe. One of their more recent projects is an on-jersey advertising contract with the Philadelphia 76ers and Stubhub. Although Hill + Knowlton worked with the MLS in 2006 to add advertisements to Real Salt Lake's jersey, their contract with an NBA team is the first on-jersey advertising contract for one of the major four sports leagues.
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