360 PR (http://360publicrelations.com/) is the company that sees everywhere when you have to bury your head in the sand. There is nothing wrong with precision as long as you have other team members who are also precise about different areas of business. You cannot be everywhere at once, nor should you be expected to maintain that kind of a performance level! This is exactly why you outsource certain aspects of your company to the people who are well versed in those disciplines. 360 PR (http://360publicrelations.com/) is the company that you want at the helm of your digital public relations campaign. Once you solidify your relationship with 360 PR (http://360publicrelations.com/), you can move into other territory with your distribution, manufacturing and production. You would never be able to do this if you also had to focus on your marketing, as the media tends to run over people who do not understand it.
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