Molise PR is a renowned Chicago based public relations firm that deals in social media management, content management, web and blog development, marketing communications and traditional media relations. Molise PR represents clients in the fields of entertainment, food, events, arts, luxury brands, tour attractions, night life, beauty, charity, health, fashion and restaurants. For clients who want increased visibility, an overhaul of their communications, a brand strategy, the ability to attract new clients, to maintain loyalty with their existing clients, Molise PR is the best solution. Molise PR's philosophy is to interact with staff and management through on a face to face forum. Molise PR's approach enables them to break the barriers of marketing and work together with different department within their client's business. These include the sales, operations, customer service, human resources and internal marketing departments. Molise PR's principle is Michelle Molise. Before launching this company, Molise dealt with theatre campaigns for Jersey Boys, Oprah Winfrey's, 'Color Purple' and many other high profile campaigns.
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