Shift Communications is an integrated communications firm that has branches in New York, New York, Austin, Texas, San Francisco, California and Boston, Massachussetts. The staff consists of more than 120 motivated and talented employees in total. Website design is a major component of this full-service company. Shift Communications has provided its trusted marketing services to many prominent consumer brands and companies. These various brands and companies include H&R Block, McDonalds, Logitech,, M*Modal, Appirio and Engadget. Examples of the numerous services that are available at Shift Communications are email communications, content creation, email marketing, community management, integrated marketing strategy, analyst relations, new product assistance, public relations technology audits, message development, media relations, social media management, press releases and crisis communications. Todd Defren is the chief executive officer at Shift Communications. Jim Joyal is a partner for the company. Amy Lyons, last but not least, works as the agency president.
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